Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do preschoolers need mandatory screen time?

With preschoolers already spending an average of 32 hours per week with screens outside of classrooms, the last thing they need is mandatory screen time in school or daycare.

The National Association for the Education of Young Children has issued a draft of its new position statement on Technology in Early Childhood Programs. Because NAEYC is the nation's premier professional organization for early childhood educators, the statement will have a profound effect on young children's media use both in and out of classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. When a toddler maybe having a 2 hour nap. Up at 7 and Bed at 7 for example that's 20% of his or her day in front of a screen. By the time they are 10 nearly a 1/4 of a child's life might have been sitting statically in front of moving images.
