We’re so pleased that earlier this month, First Lady Michelle Obama unveiled an important new effort to reduce children’s screen time in childcare settings and at home. As part of her new Let’s Move! Child Care initiative: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2011/06/08/first-lady-unveils-lets-move-child-care-ensure-healthy-start-youngest-ch
We are often hearing this common expression: "Life is too short"
We are also hearing or saying "I do not have enough time to do this or that"
But let's do an honest experience and count how many hours we spend in front of a screen, watching TV, Video or Video Games. And let's count it on a week or a month.
Let's also add our children screen time.
And then, let's calculate how many hours that will be, let say, on 10 years and see how many days were spent watching a screen?